Learn to grow Elderberries with Terry Durham

Terry Durham is a successful Elderberry entrepreneur who has been growing, teaching and sharing the joy of elderberries for over two decades. He is also the owner of River Hills Harvest, an elderberry brand that sells products made from 100% Pure Premium Elderberry Juice. Terry supports local farmers and processors to grow the American elderberry industry and speaks at Mother Earth News Fairs and many other U.S. conferences.


Grow A Profitable Farm

Grow a profitable business growing American Elderberries. Build a business and livelihood around American Elderberry production. Begin yielding considerably within the first few years.

Practice Regenerative Agriculture

Increase the biodiversity of your farm, create wildlife habitat, increase beneficial pollinators, slow run-off, build soil and create the health and wealth you have been looking for.

Create Healthy Communities

Elderberry is a highly medicinal and beneficial plant. When grown locally this plant can bring health to people and the planet


  •  Best Elderberry Selections
  • How to Prepare Your Orchard
  • How to Harvest Berries & Flowers
  • How to Maintain Your Orchard

This course is designed to take you step by step through every process of establishing and growing American Elderberries on your farm. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your life and create health and wealth in your community!


Take the Course
  •  Post Harvest Cleaning
  • How to Prepare Your Berries for Sale
  • Equipment Needs
  • Compliance & Regulations

This course will give you guidance on what you need to process your elderberries. Rules and regulations can be confusing, with elderberries it can be straight forward and easy. Take this course if you are a grower ready to take your business to the next level.


Take the Course
  •  Elderberry Product Examples
  • Elderberry Profit Potential
  • Success Stories
  • Selling Raw Berries to River Hills Harvest

Marketing your berries will be the key to your success, don't start growing elderberries without a plan on what you are going to do with them. We will share with you success stories and great elderberry product ideas.


Take the Course

Buy all 3 courses at a discount!

We want you to be successful. That's why we put everything we know into all 3 courses. You can start by just taking one course or you can take all 3 and start planning your future today.

$391 $347

SAVE 11%

Hear what others are saying!

Want to learn more before taking the leap?

Check out our FREE History of Elderberry Course to learn more about this important berry!

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